Workshop Series 2014-15

Workshop Series 2014-15
A series of workshops geared towards improving your life. Learn to relax, change your perceptions and connect with your deeper authentic self. Be happier in your present life and create the future you desire
NOV 22, 2014: Meditation for Daily Living
JAN 17, 2015: Energy Chakras – Working with the Energy of the Body
FEB 21, 2015: Energy Medicine – Healing the Light Body
MAR 21, 2015: Connect with your Inner Guides & Spiritual Self
APR 11, 2015: Soul Retrieval – Retrieve Lost Parts of Self & Reclaim your Authentic Self
Bring a Lunch, a blanket and a cushion,
$120 per workshop ($500 if registered for all 5 workshops)
Location : 353 English Place, Ancaster
To Register: Contact Lesley Hannell 905-518-8283 or
Presented by:
Lesley Hannell, M.A. (Psychology), C. Psych. Assoc. #5339 Registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Private Practice in Ancaster for 30 years providing counselling, assessment and diagnosis to Adolescents, Adults, Couples and Families in Clinical and Counselling Psychology. Energy Psychology & Energy Medicine Practitioner for 15 years. Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation Teacher for over 30 years. Conducted numerous workshops over the past 30 years.#
Cindy Dickson, Reiki Master. Energy Psychology & Energy Medicine Practitioner. Workshop facilitator at Amica Seniors Centre and Hamilton Wentworth School System. Presented numerous workshops over past 10 years on topics such as: Meditation, Self Esteem, Relationships, Family Unity, & Divine Openings